This article explains the complete subscription flow step-by-step from a user's point-of-view for a manager of type - Registered Investment Advisor.


  1. Step 1 : Contact Form

    • User enters her basic details in this step which includes Name, Email & Mobile number

    • Already subscribed users can click on ‘Login to Invest’ to process with broker login i.e. the 2nd step

  1. Step 2 : Broker Login

    • User selects her broker account to subscribe to the smallcase with

    • After selecting the broker, user will be redirected to the login page of that broker

    • Once the login credentials are entered and user is logged in successfully, she will be redirected back to the Subscription Widget’s 3rd step

  • The email ID entered in the previous step gets linked with the broker account user logs in with for the particular smallcase creator

Note : This email ID - broker combination cannot be changed later as they are the primary identifier of the user’s subscription

  1. Step 3 : Risk Profile

    • As part of compliance requirement for RIAs, subscribers have to complete their risk profiling before subscribing to the smallcase

    • Risk Profile step requires the user to enter her Date of Birth and answer a set of questions around her investment objective

  • Based on the user’s answers, the system calculates and shows the user’s risk profile

  1. Step 4 : smallcase Suggestion

    • Based on the user’s calculated risk profile, system also suggests smallcases depending on match of user risk profile with smallcase volatility
      The possible cases are:

      • User risk Profile = Selected smallcase’s volatility

      • User risk Profile is not equivalent to selected smallcase’s volatility:

        • The Manager’s other smallcases with equivalent volatility are suggested

        • If there are no manager smallcases with volatility similar to user’s risk profile

    • In any case, the user has an option to proceed with the selected smallcase

  2. Step 5 : Billing & Plan

    • Here the user has to enter her PAN and state

      • These details are used for generating the subscription invoice which is shared with the user

    • The user also has select the subscription duration she wants to proceed with out of all the available plans

      • Plan Type : smallcase Subscription plans can be of two types - Flat fee or AuM based
        Please refer to the article on Subscription plans for more details

      • Duration : smallcase Subscription plans can have multiple durations as offered by the smallcase manager. The possible duration options are:

        • Flat Fee Plan : 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year

        • AuM Plan : Only 1 month

      • Subscription renewal type :

        • Auto renew : Subscription renews automatically at the end of every subscription cycle

        • One Time : Subscription does not renew automatically at the end of the subscription cycle
          Note : AuM Plan smallcases support only auto renew subscription type

User can specify whether she wants the subscription to renew automatically by checking the ‘Auto renew subscription’ box

  • All the subscription plan parameters are created & managed by the smallcase creator from the Publisher Platform
    Please refer to the topic ‘Subscription Plans’ for more details

  1. Step 6 : IA Agreement Confirmation

  • From the Billing & Plan section, the user is required to confirm the IA Agreement as a compliance requirement for all managers using the RIA subscription module

  • There are two supported ways of Agreement confirmation which can be enabled depending on the manager’s preference

  • Email OTP
    Please refer to this video on how the users can confirm the IA Agreement through an Email OTP flow

  • Aadhaar eSign
    Please refer to this video on how the users can confirm the IA Agreement via an eSign using their Aadhaar number

  1. Step 7 : Payment Method Selection

Lastly, the user will be prompted to complete the subscription fee payment by proceeding with any one of the available payment options.

Broadly, two types of payment methods are available

  • UPI, Debit Card & Netbanking

    • Using this, user will be able to make the subscription fee payment through UPI, Debit Card or Netbanking

    • This payment method is available only for Flat Fee one time subscription plans

  • E-Mandate

    • User can also opt for payment via e-Mandate

    • e-Mandates allow the subscription fees as per the user’s subscription plan to be debited from the user’s bank account at a pre-defined frequency

    • For auto renew subscription types, e-Mandate is the only supported payment method

    • User will be prompted to enter her bank account details from which the debit has to be done

    • After entering the Bank Name, Account Number, Account Type & Customer Name, user will have to verify the entered details through

      •  Debit Card : OTP based verification

      •  Or Netbanking : Netbanking login credentials

    • After verification, the mandate will be successfully created and user will be subscribed to the smallcase

  1. Step 8 : Subscription Confirmed

    • After payment completion, the user is subscribed to the smallcase and the subscription details can be seen on the confirmation screen

    • Duration, Subscription fees, Subscription Type and subscription cycle end date are shown on the confirmation screen

    • Through the ‘Invest Now’ CTA, the user will be redirected to the smallcase broker platform (of the broker the user used to subscribe) from where she can invest in the smallcase