This article explains the various subscription stages of a user and functionalities given to the user at each state.
The different subscription stages of a user are as follows:
1. Requested Access
When the user has initiated the subscription flow by filling the details in the contact form but not completely subscribed to the smallcase.
The user does not have access to the smallcase stocks & weights and cannot invest in the smallcase.
2. Subscribed
When the user is successfully subscribed to the smallcase by completing the subscription flow.
The user has access to the smallcase weights, can invest in the smallcase and also receives all the rebalance updates of the smallcase.
3. Grace Period
The Grace Period is always 7 days at the end of which the user gets unsubscribed from the smallcase.
A user can be downgraded from a Subscribed state to a Grace period due to any reason such as:
One time Subscription End date
Subscription fee debit fail
For the first time subscription or for a subscription renewalUser cancels the subscription
The user can renew her subscription when in grace period, doing so will move the user to the Subscribed state.
User has access to smallcase weights, can invest and receives all rebalance updates of the smallcase in grace period.
4. Unsubscribed
At the end of the grace period, the user gets unsubscribed from the smallcase.
The user won’t be able to access the smallcase weights, invest or receive rebalance updates for the smallcase.