• Introduction

The Reports section serves as the one-stop screen for a publisher to access a curated set of reports related to the portfolio details, performance, users and general information about his/her smallcases. It can be accessed under the dropdown menu on the top right of the screen. This section delves into the capabilities of the Reports section and the types of reports on offer.

  • Video Walkthrough

  • Detailed Documentation

  • Generating a Report

Reports can be generated through the Generate Reports widget. By selecting the following parameters:

  • Report Type- The user can choose from the preset report types ( which have been illustrated in detail in the 'Type of Reports' section) that can be generated. The file format can either be pdf or xlsx, based on the report type and is illustrated by the icon beside the report.

  • Date Range- A date range can be defined to ensure reports contain the relevant data as required. The following date ranges are permitted:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Monthly

    • Quarterly

    • Financial Year- To choose a financial year date range (Mar- Apr)

    • Custom Range- A custom date range can be selected if the above options do not suffice. Note: a maximum date range of 1 year can be added

  • Email Address- The reports generated will be sent to the email addresses mentioned in this field within 24 hours of generation. The email will contain details of the activity as well as the generated reports attached to that email.

  • Note: The primary contact email address of the manager/publisher is added to the above list by default and will always receive the report generated. Thus, it is to be noted that the primary contact email address should be added from the publisher profile if not already added.


  • Sample Reports

Before generating a report, a sample of that report type can be downloaded instantly to understand the nature of the report and the type of data populated in it. This can be done by clicking on the ‘Sample Report’ button post picking the required report type from the drop-down.


The required sample report is downloaded and the file type varies based on the report type. Note: for all .csv type reports, an .xlsx type file is downloaded. This file contains two sheets, the first sheet containing the details of all the column headers, with a one line description on each. The second sheet contains sample data on how a general report with dummy data would look like.

For .pdf type of reports such as Factsheets, zip folder containing a number of sample fact sheet pdfs is downloaded.

  • Recent Reports

Reports generated from the Generate Reports widget appear here in reverse chronological order to maintain a trail of the reports generated with all the details entered during generation. The user can download the same report again by clicking on the download icon ( ) to the right or even send the same report to the email addresses mentioned during generation of the report. Both these actions will occur instantaneously and the user can consume the report.

Note: A record of upto ten reports generated in the past five days is maintained post which the data becomes redundant and is removed from the list.

  • Creating a Report Template

For quick access to report generation, the user can save the required parameters and report type as a template. This saved template will appear under the Saved template section as an entry with details of the report type, date range and the email addresses it is supposed to be sent to. Thus the user can simply come to the required saved template to generate popular reports without re-entering the details again and again.

Templates can be saved by clicking on the ‘Save as template’ button in the Generate Reports widget. Note: Currently only some time ranges ( across all report types) can be saved as a template. These are indicated by the blue icon to the right of the time range selected. 

  • Saved Templates

This section contains all the details of all the reports templates saved, arranged reverse chronologically. The user can generate reports here by selecting the email icon to the right of the required email id. These saved templates can also be deleted as required.

Note: The date parameters are automatically adjusted to pick up the correct date range. For example, if ‘Today’ or ‘This quarter’ was selected, this would be automatically adjusted to the day of generation or the current quarter.