You can offer your subscribers a fixed value or percentage discount on the subscription fee of fee-based smallcases. You can leverage offers to run promotional campaigns like the launch of a new smallcase, event-based campaigns (festivals, holidays, etc).

The following inputs can be specified while creating an offer:

  • The smallcases & plans for which the offer has to be created

  • Duration for which the offer is valid

  • Number of times the promo code can be used by a user

  • List of eligible users

Your subscribers can redeem the discount codes while subscribing to a smallcase. After the offer codes are set up you can view and track all your codes on your Plans and Offers dashboard (detailed steps illustrated below).


  • Key things to note while creating offers

Before you create the offer codes, please review the following key things:

  • An offer can be created for different smallcases and plans.

  • The promo code cannot be reused in any case. Even if the old offer has expired, creating a new offer always requires a new unique and unused promo code.

  • To ensure that the promo codes are added correctly, avoid using special characters.

  • Offer validity start date should be greater than or equal to today.

  • There is no limit to the number of offer codes that can be created

The video below shows how to create offers on the Publisher platform.

  • Creating Offers

Below are the steps to create offers from the Publisher platform. Please note that the procedure is slightly different for smallcase-level pricing type managers and manager-level pricing type managers.

For smallcase-level pricing type:

1. Select smallcases & plans

The screenshot below shows the popup where you can select the smallcases you want to create the offer for. You can also select the specific plan duration you want the offer to be applicable on. It also states all the steps to create an offer. By default, the plans dropdown contains 4 options - 1m, 3m, 6m, and 1y

If you have selected any smallcase that is on an AuM plan, please ensure to select 1m in the plans dropdown. 

Click continue to proceed to the next step.

2. Offer Details

After selecting the smallcases and the plan durations, click continue.

  • Enter the offer discount as percentage or flat amount (can be selected from the dropdown)

    • Note: For smallcases on an AuM based subscription plan, only percentage based discount can be added 

  • Enter the unique promo code and select the validity duration. 

  • Select the users who will be eligible for the discounts

    • All users”: All new and existing users (subscribers) will be eligible for the discount

    • Selected users”: You will be asked to upload a csv file of users eligible for the particular promo code (you will be able to download a sample csv showing the format of the data to be uploaded)

Sample csv screenshot -



3. Usage Limits

In this section, you specify the number of times a user can avail the promo code. There are two parts to this.

  • Offer avail limit on each selected smallcase

Number of times a user can avail the offer for each smallcase 

For example, let's say you created the offer for two of your smallcases - sc1, sc2 and selected plan durations 1m, 3m. 

Setting a limit of 2 here would imply that your subscriber can use the promo code twice on each of the smallcases - sc1 and sc2.
He can subscribe to a 1m plan of sc1 and use the promo code twice on this combination i.e. once more after getting unsubscribed. The 2nd time can be on the same plan, 1m, or on any other plan of the smallcase where the offer is applicable.

Similarly, user can use the same code 2 times again on any applicable plans of sc2 (anytime between the offer validity duration).

As shown in the image above, if avail limit is 4 for each selected smallcase, user will be able to avail the offer 4 times on each smallcase on all the plans where the offer is applicable

  • Offer avail limit across all smallcases selected

Number of times a user can avail the offer across all smallcases combined.

For example, consider the above scenario of smallcases and plan durations selected for offers. 

If you entered the avail count as 2, then a user can use the promo code twice only:
once on sc1 + 3m plan AND another on sc2 + 1m plan
once on sc1 + 1m duration and after this cycle, if the validity still holds, on sc1 + 3m plan.

As shown in the image above, if avail limit is 4 across all selected smallcases, the user will be able to avail the offer 4 times across all smallcase plans combined where the offer is applicable

Note: Avail limit is applicable only on first time subscription and reactivation of an unsubscribed subscription.
For subscription renewal, auto as well as grace period renewals, please refer to subscription limit. 

  • Subscription limit: This is the total number of consecutive cycles for which a user can avail the offer on each applicable smallcase plan, including both first time and renewal cycles. 

For example, if subscription limit is 2 and a user subscribes to sc1 + 1m duration plan using the promo code. 
Now, after the first month's subscription cycle, he will get the discount again while renewing his subscription, be it an auto-renewal or a renewal in grace period.

However, if you had set the subscription limit to 1, the user will not get discount while renewing this subscription as the first subscription cycle is also counted in subscription limit.

For getting discount while renewing, user does not need to enter the promo code again. If the subscription limit has not been exceeded, discount will be applied automatically on renewal. 

Note: Renewal means renewing a subscription while in grace period or an auto- renewal in case of an auto plan. An unsubscribed returning user reactivating the subs is not renewal and hence, avail limit will be taken into account in that case.


            Click continue to save the details and proceed to the next step.

4. Review & confirm

This screen shows the summary of the offer you created and the smallcases for which the offer is applicable. 

In case any of the selected smallcase does not have an active plan from the durations selected, a warning will be shown and offer will not be created for that smallcase. 

To edit the plan selection, you can go back to Step 1 and select a plan which is active for the said smallcase.

Click on “Create” and the offer will be created. The offer will be live and can be found on the Plans and offers dashboard.

In some cases, offer creation can take about 5-10 minutes. In such cases, the offer status will be 'In Progress' and will get updated to active once the creation is complete.

Error Screen

If due to some reason an offer creation fails for some users, an "!" will be shown beside the 'Details' CTA int he Offers listing.

Clicking on details, you will be able to see the error details and also download the user email details for which the offer creation failed.

 For manager-level pricing type:

The procedure is very similar to above except that in the first step - Select smallcases and Plans, there is no option to select specific smallcases as the subscription plans for manager level pricing managers is for all of their portfolios. 

  • Editing Offers

Once the offers have been created, they are all visible in the Offers dashboard. Managers can now edit the offer codes that are currently live. Below are the steps detailing how this can be done.

1) Navigate to the Offers section in the Plans and Offers dashboard.

2) You can see the details of the offers created

3) To edit an offer, click on the three vertical dots icon. 

Please note that currently only live offers can be edited. Live Offers are offers that are active and whose validity has not expired. 

4) Clicking on “Edit Offer” will open a popup (shown in thescreenshot below)

5) You can adjust the validity date by clicking on the field and selecting the new end date.

6) Click on “Save Changes” and the offer validity is successfully edited.

  • Offers Dashboard

  • Once the offers have been created , they are all visible in the Offers dashboard

The dashboard below shows the details of the offers - offer code, smallcases it is applicable on, discount percentage/flat discount, validity, number of users that have availed the offer, status, etc. 


  • Active: Offer is active after it has been created and successfully published.

  • Inactive: Offer is inactive after the validity period is over.

  • In Progress: Offer may take 2-10 mins to get published. Status is shown as in progress till it is published successfully.

You can filter the offers using “Offer Status” on the dashboard based on the status. 


Clicking on "Details" opens a pop-up as shown below.

This section contains the basic stats about:

  1. Total Eligible users

  2. Total users with offer (Users who have availed the offer - discount availed multiple times by the same user is counted only once)

The stats are updated at 1am every day and are not real time.

As a part of the new subscription experience flow, users can now view a list of available offers while subscribing to a smallcase. Following are the offer related changes on this new flow:

  • Discoverability

Managers can now specify the discoverability of offers during creation and post-go-live on the platform. The following describes the behaviour:

  1. Discoverability Setting is Private: No user will be able to view the offers in the offers list but will be able to apply the offer by manually entering the offer code if they have it
  2. Discoverability Setting is Public
  • All Users (without csv upload): All users will be able to view the offers in the offers list
  • Specific Users (with csv upload): Only users specified in the csv file will be able to view the offers in the offers list

This feature allows Managers to restrict discovery for an offer on the smallcase platform. Thus, only intended or targeted users can view and apply the offer.

  • Apply Offers Manually

Until now, users could only apply an offer present in the list of available offers. Now, users can manually enter an offer code and apply the same. This feature allows users to apply offers which are not discoverable in the list.

  • Plans Dashboard

In the plans section, a new column of Live Offers has been added where all the live offers applicable on that particular smallcase plan are shown. 

The Offer Details CTA will open a modal showing the details of the offers along with analytics of offer adoption filtered at the smallcase level.

The stats are updated at 1am every day and are not real time.