The below article explains the workflow after you enable KYC status check and KYC documents download for your account from the Publisher platform.


  • KYC Status Check

Once the KYC status check is enabled, all the users trying to subscribe to any of your smallcases will be allowed to proceed only if the user entered PAN is KYC compliant.

If the PAN entered by the user is not KYC compliant, the user is shown an error message as below and will not be allowed to proceed with the subscription flow.

  • KYC Documents Download Request

All users who enter a KYC compliant PAN will be allowed to complete the subscription flow.

Once subscribed, the KYC documents of all the users will be requested from NDML KRA

Note: This request has a charge of INR 35/PAN charged by NDML KRA for which an invoice will be shared with you on a monthly basis by NDML directly. Subsequent requests for the same PAN are not charged.

  • KYC documents request requires the PAN No. & DOB of the user as mentioned on their PAN Card.
  • In case a user provides a DOB which is not as per their PAN, KYC documents request for such users will fail.
  • Every EOD, an excel report will be shared with you on your registered support email consisting of details of all the KYC documents request made, this includes:
  • Users who subscribed or renewed (including auto-renewals) their subscription on the day.
  • Subscribed users whose existing KYC documents have become older than 6 months.
  • Users whose KYC documents request failed along with the reason of failure like DOB not as per PAN.
  • For all the successful KYC documents requests, the PDF files of the user's KYC documents will become available to download from the Reports section on the Publisher Platform in upto 10 days depending on the response time from NDML KRA.

  • Downloading KYC documents from Reports section

All the available KYC documents of your users can be downloaded from the Reports section by specifying a date range.

  • This includes the KYC documents of all the users where the request was made in the date range specified.
  • Along with the PDF KYC documents, this report will also include an excel file consisting of details of all the users whose KYC documents request was made in the given date range
  • If the request was successful and the documents have been received from NDML KRA, the corresponding PDF file of the user will be available in the report
  • If the request was successful but the documents are pending to be received from NDML KRA, the same will be mentioned in the excel file
  • If the request failed due to any reason, the same will be mentioned in the excel file along with the reason of request fail as shown below

KYC documents request fail reason

KYC not requested for the user

DOB not as on PAN

PAN Unavailable

Documents pending from NDML

Documents pending from NDML

Document present, new version requested
