The below article explains how you can unsubscribe your smallcase users from the Publisher platform.


  • Overview

  • Earlier, unsubscribing users from a particular smallcase was an ad hoc task that was performed by the smallcase team at your request.
  • To make this process faster and more self-serve, this feature has now been enabled for you in the Users tab on the Publisher platform, with automation related to logging and refunds as well.
  • Users can now be unsubscribed for a variety of reasons, with the appropriate email notification informing them of the reasons for the same. A custom reason can also be provided to give some more context to the user being unsubscribed.
  • Video Walkthrough

  • How will it work?

You will have an option in the Users tab of the platform to downgrade your users. You can do this from the User Details tab

From the User details of a particular user

  • From the Users tab, you can navigate to the particular user’s details to be unsubscribed and will find an ‘Unsubscribe’ option beside each of the eligible smallcases.
  • In some cases, where unsubscription is not possible due to any reason, the justification for the same will be provided as a text there.
  • On clicking on ‘Unsubscribe’ a window will open with the ‘Reason for unsubscription’ as well as the amount to be refunded.
  • A reason can be chosen from the pre-populated list or a custom reason can be drafted if ‘custom’ is selected.
    • In cases, where refunds are not possible (such as when the payment has not been complete), this option would be grayed out.
  • The amount to be refunded is to be entered in the 'Refund Amount' box.
  • Note
    • If no amount is to be refunded, 0 is to be entered.
    • The paid amount takes into consideration if any discount offers was applied by the user.
    • For a flat-fee smallcase, the plan amount paid is displayed and is the maximum amount that can be entered for refund.

    • For AuM cases, the amount paid by the user can be refunded. There will arise three cases:
      • AuM cases without upfront and offset: Here the maximum amount of refund that can be entered is the fee paid across all cycles (for example if it is the first cycle like in this case, no fee has been paid). Please note that the AuM fee to be debited for this cycle will not be triggered.

      • AuM cases with an upfront fee but with no offset enabled: Here the maximum amount of refund amount that can be entered is the fee paid (here 1023.28) for subscription so far. The payment for AuM fee (in this case Rs. 139.12) to be debited for this cycle will again not be triggered.

      • AuM cases with an upfront fee but with offset enabled: Here the maximum amount of refund amount that can be entered is the fee paid for subscription so far (in this example, Rs 2856). Here the debit for the unbilled amount is zero, since the AuM fee computed (Rs 2049.18) is less than the fee paid so far (thus there is balance left in the upfront amount to be offset). The debit for the unbilled amount will again not be triggered once unsubscribed.

      • In case of the AuM fee computed being greater than the upfront amount, the difference in the two would appear in AuM to be debited field. This debit would not be triggered by smallcase once unsubscribed

  • On unsubscribing, an email with the details of un-subscription is sent to the unsubscribed user. (Please note that your support email would be CC-ed to this).     

To be Noted

  • Users will be unsubscribed directly without any grace period.
  • For publishers with Manager-level pricing, unsubscribed users will not have access to any of your fee based smallcases.


  • For refunds, in case when the subscriber used the Razorpay payment method, the refund would be triggered automatically by smallcase and the same would be logged across ledgers and invoices.

  • In case when the subscriber used the Digio payment method, the same would be logged across ledgers and invoices, but the refund would have to be processed by you to the user's bank details, outside of the platform. Based on the type of the plan, the maximum amount that can be refunded is the amount the user has paid:
  1. Flat-fee: The maximum amount that can be refunded is the plan amount paid

  2. AuM: Three cases will arise which would be handled in the following ways:

    1. AuM fee without upfront fee: You can process the refund for the amount paid by the user so far and the debit for the unbilled amount will not be triggered by smallcase.

    2. AuM fee with upfront fee and without offset: You can process the refund for the amount paid by the user so far (AuM fee amount + the initial upfront fee). Again the debit for the unbilled amount will not be triggered by smallcase.

    3. AuM fee with upfront fee and with offset: You can process the refund for the amount paid by the user so far ( AuM fee amount (paid post offset) + the initial upfront fee). Again the debit for the unbilled amount will not be triggered by smallcase.