Once you go live on the smallcase Publisher platform, the below mentioned processes will help you assist your users to subscribe and invest in your smallcases. It will also give you a brief idea on how to go about rebalancing your smallcases. 


  • How can your users subscribe

In this video below, we have explained in detail how your users can subscribe to your smallcases.

Click here to read more about how users can subscribe to your smallcases.

  • How can your users invest

Once your user subscribes, the next step is investing. 

In the video below, we show how to invest in smallcases.

  • Rebalancing a smallcase

Rebalancing a smallcase correctly and on time is an important activity to keep the portfolio up-to-date and in-line with the investment philosophy and methodology.

The video explains how to do a smallcase rebalance from the Publisher platform.

Click on this link to read more about smallcase Rebalancing in detail.

  • How can users follow Rebalance Updates

In a smallcase rebalance, stocks may be added or removed and the weightage of stocks may change as updated by you.

The smallcase rebalance updates are communicated to the users via the following ways:

1. Email Notifications

2. App Notifications

3. Whatsapp Notifications (if enabled)

This video shows how your users can follow the rebalance updates.

  • User Management

You can access all user-related information like contact details, investments, and subscription details from your Publisher platform.

The video below shows how to navigate through the Users tab.