User Experience Research on the Buy Flow showed many users were overwhelmed by the amount of information provided on the Buy screen.  

In the previous version, users had one screen where they could set whether they wanted to invest as a monthly SIP or One-Time. SIP Amount, SIP Frequency and next instalment date were automatically chosen.

To reduce the cognitive load on the user, we simplified the Buy order by making this into a two-step process. In the first step, users select whether they want to set up a SIP or One-time.  In the second step, they enter the amount and the next instalment date.  We are also giving users the ability to set the SIP date and SIP amount at the time of placing the order.

In addition to this, on Zerodha, in early 2022, we launched the ability to place SIP orders automatically without users having to login. However, as there were some issues with the feature, we had not made this the default option and we were continuing with the option where users had to login to place SIP orders. After resolving most of the issues, we have now made Auto SIP the default option for smallcases where the minimum investment amount is less than 10k.