• Video Walkthrough

This article explains how you can create and manage a smallcase on the Publisher platform. 

The below step-by-step video guide will help you in creating a smallcase and show possible errors and their mitigation.

  • Create smallcase

For creating a smallcase, a CSV file has to be uploaded with details of the stock and their corresponding weights.

  • CSV file format



  • NSE Ticker: The ticker of the stock to be included in the smallcase.

  • Weight: Weight to be assigned to the smallcase.

  • Segment: Segment category to keep the stock in. This is an optional field and if not provided, the segment will be auto-assigned to each stock.

  • Errors in CSV Upload

The possible errors and their causes are mentioned in the table below:


  • Manage smallcase & Best Practices

  • smallcase Meta

The meta details are part of the smallcase card which is visible to users on all the platforms where the smallcase can be viewed including your microsite, and smallcase app.

Please ensure to add relevant and explanatory meta information of your smallcase to make it look professional, this includes:

  • smallcase Name

  • smallcase Image

  • smallcase Overview

All the above information is visible on the smallcase card and help users get an overview of your smallcase.

  • smallcase Investment Strategy

The investment strategy is used by users to filter smallcases on as well as the smallcase app.

The smallcase meta screen also contains two fields named Min Investment Amount and Max. Investment Amount

The Minimum Investment Amount is the smallest investment size that an investor can make into a smallcase. This value can be altered by you to control the minimum ticket size for a smallcase and pursue price segmentation if needed.

  • The ‘System Generated’ value is shown which displays the system calculated sum of all the stock prices in the model portfolio and is updated regularly as per fluctuations in the constituent stock prices.

  • Please note that the ‘Minimum Investment Amount’ should always be greater than the ‘System Generated’ value and the field will not accept values less than the latter.

  • In the case of a rebalance, where the constituents are affected, the ‘Minimum Investment Amount’ is defaulted to ‘System Generated’ whenever the former is less than the latter to maintain the correct stock composition when the user is investing.

  • These value changes may take upto 24 hours to reflect if set during non-market hours and is enforced when the user makes his/her first investment.

  • This value can be seen in the smallcase profile of that smallcase.

The Maximum Investment Amount or colloquially the ‘Max Networth’ for a smallcase is the maximum amount that an investor can invest in that smallcase or the maximum investor can set for a smallcase

  • Please note that the ‘Maximum Investment Amount’ should always be greater than the ‘Minimum Investment Amount’ value and the field will not accept values lesser than the latter.

  • These value changes may take up to 24 hours to reflect if set during non-market hours and is enforced when the user makes his/her first investment or invests more in a smallcase.

  • Note: If the user decides to invest more, he/she can add maximum value that results in the current net worth being less than or equal to the Maximum Investment value.

  • Rationale

Rationale is referred to by the users to understand why they should invest in the smallcase.

It should descriptively explain the key highlights of the smallcase including compelling reasons to help users make the right decision of subscribing and investing in the smallcase.

Blog link should be added to the smallcase profile which the user can refer to dive deep into the details of the smallcase.

The blog can include information like detailed performance benchmark with indices, supporting research reports and other key metrics of the smallcase.

  • Methodology

It should detail the steps followed while creating the smallcase.

The process is already categorised in different sections each having a pre-populated description which can be modified by you.

Details and transparency of the smallcase creation methodology helps build trust with the users viewing the smallcase.

Please watch this video on How to Create & Manage your smallcase.