Managing your smallcase Portfolio

How to create and manage smallcases?
TABLE OF CONTENTS Video Walkthrough Create smallcase CSV file format Errors in CSV Upload Manage smallcase & Best Practices smallcase Meta ...
Tue, 6 Sep, 2022 at 5:32 PM
What are the different smallcase states?
The smallcase State Management feature allows you to manage your smallcase states from the 4 available options after publishing the smallcase. TABLE OF ...
Tue, 6 Sep, 2022 at 5:07 PM
How to rebalance a smallcase?
TABLE OF CONTENTS Video Walkthrough The Need for a Rebalance Buffer Rebalance Order Generation Buffer Video Walkthrough This article explai...
Wed, 20 Jul, 2022 at 1:11 PM
How to upload research reports?
You can add a Research report to a particular smallcase to explain the rationale behind their stock/ETF selection to your users. TABLE OF CONTENTS ...
Wed, 27 Jul, 2022 at 4:07 PM
How to change a weighted smallcase to no-weight smallcase?
TABLE OF CONTENTS What is a no-weight smallcase? Impact of no-weight smallcase on users Video Walkthrough Steps for migrating a weight smallcase int...
Wed, 20 Jul, 2022 at 2:23 PM