The smallcase State Management feature allows you to manage your smallcase states from the 4 available options after publishing the smallcase.


  • Video Walkthrough

This video gives you a detailed walkthrough of the 4 smallcase states and their functions.

  • smallcase States

The different states available for a smallcase after it has been published are:

  • Published

  • Published smallcase will be discoverable, searchable and accessible across the smallcase ecosystem including your microsite, as well as the smallcase app.

  • New users will be able to subscribe & invest in it and existing subscribers will also be able to renew their subscriptions.

  • You can add & push rebalance to the smallcase which can be applied by the subscribed & invested users.

  • You will also be able to send campaign emails for this smallcase from the platform to the desired list of users.

Use case : Can be used for making smallcase publicly available for subscription as well as investment across the smallcase ecosystem. It will be discoverable and searchable on your microsite, and the smallcase app

  • Hidden

  • Hidden smallcase will not be discoverable or searchable anywhere in the ecosystem including the manager website.

  • A hidden smallcase profile can however be accessed by users who have the smallcase’s URL.

  • Those with the URL will be able to subscribe to the smallcase. Existing subscribers will be able to renew their subscription through the renewal reminder emails.

  • You can add & push rebalance to the smallcase which can be applied by the subscribed & invested users.

  • You will also be able to send campaign emails for this smallcase from the platform to the desired list of users.

Use Case : Status can be used when a smallcase has to be shared exclusively with a selected set of users as only the users with the smallcase’s URL will be able to access the smallcase profile and subscribe & invest in it from there.

If you wish to create a smallcase with a different pricing for your referrers, you can keep it in Hidden state so that the smallcase will not be visible on your microsite but will be visible on the distributor website for users to subscribe & invest.

Hidden smallcase can be moved to Blocked state or back to Published state anytime.

You can get the shareable smallcase profile link by visiting the smallcase profile within the Publisher Platform

Changing the state of a smallcase to Hidden may take upto 24 hours to reflect.

  • Blocked    

In light of transparency and from user feedback, changes around visibility and discoverability have been made to blocked smallcases. This would ensure users have greater context regarding blocked smallcases across the smallcase ecosystem and why the smallcase has been blocked as well, thus hopefully removing confusion and reducing user queries regarding the same. 

Use case : When you want to stop new subscriptions to a smallcase but want to send rebalance updates to existing subscribers, you can keep the smallcase in Blocked state. Existing subscribers as well as already invested users will be able to invest more in the smallcase. You can also provide non-investors and intent users context on why it was blocked.

        Blocked smallcases new attributes:

  • Blocked smallcases are discoverable and searchable anywhere in the ecosystem, including your microsite, smallcase web/app and the broker platforms (where meant to be discoverable).

    • Users who have watchlisted smallcases will be able to see that their smallcase has been blocked.


  • Blocked smallcases’s (free and fee based) stocks and weights section can be viewed by subscribed users after logging in.

  • Blocked smallcases can now be accessed from the smallcase URL.

    • The smallcase profile will showcase the smallcase details but will not allow new users to subscribe (in case of fee-based smallcases) or invest (in case of free smallcases).

    • On the microsite:


  • Same as before, existing subscribers (for fee based smallcases) or investors (in case of free smallcases) can continue to invest.

  • Context regarding what blocked smallcases mean to the user and why it was blocked would be available in the ‘Closed Smallcase’ card.

  • In your microsite, blocked smallcases will appear below in the list of published smallcases labeled as closed for new subscribers/investors

  • Existing investors/subscribers can still invest and would be given context of the same through the smallcase card.
  • On the publisher platform, a smallcase can be blocked from the ‘Manage smallcase’ modal:               
  • A ‘blocking description’ must be provided when blocking a smallcase which would be shown to users in the smallcase profile. This should explain why a smallcase is being blocked and provide users context of the same decision: (Note: it will have a 140 characters limit)

    • For existing blocked smallcases, until a ‘blocking description’ is provided, the same would not be displayed to users. Hence, you must go into the blocked smallcase details and fill out a blocking reason as a one time activity.

    • Blocked smallcase can be moved back to Hidden or Published state anytime. Everytime a smallcase is moved back into the blocked state, it should be accompanied by a reason.

    • Please note that once a blocking description is saved, it is not editable until the smallcase is moved between states.

    • Changing the state of a smallcase to Blocked may take upto 24 hours to reflect.

  • Played Out

It is like discontinuing a smallcase, once played out the smallcase state can NOT be changed later.

  • Played Out smallcase will not be discoverable or searchable anywhere in the ecosystem including your microsite.

  • No new users will be able to subscribe to the smallcase and existing users will NOT be able to renew their subscription.

  • As playing out is like discontinuing the smallcase, you cannot add rebalance updates to the smallcase.

  • You will not be able to send campaign emails for a played out smallcase.

  • Investors of a played out smallcase are notified through an email when the smallcase is played out.

Use case : When a smallcase has to be discontinued by you, you can move it to Played Out state. No new users can subscribe, existing users will stop receiving rebalance updates and will not be charged for subscription renewal.

Users who have invested in the smallcase will stay invested and can also invest more if they want.

As a best practice, it is advised to block a smallcase before playing it out as blocking a smallcase puts stop to new subscriptions.    

  • In the list of Played Out smallcases, it can be seen whether the smallcase was blocked before playing out or not.

Changing the state of a smallcase to Played Out will take upto 24 hours to reflect.

  • FAQs

  1. Is smallcase state change reversible?

  • Published, Hidden and Blocked are reversible smallcase states while Played Out is an irreversible smallcase state i.e. once Played Out the smallcase state cannot be changed

  1. How does the discoverability of Hidden state work?

  • A Hidden smallcase is not visible, discoverable or searchable anywhere across the smallcase ecosystem including your microsite, and the smallcase app.

The smallcase profile can however be accessed by users who have the smallcase’s URL.

  1. What are the use cases for all the states?

  • Published : Can be used for making smallcase publicly available for subscription as well as investment across the smallcase ecosystem. It will be discoverable and searchable on your microsite, and the smallcase app

Hidden : Can be used when a smallcase has to be shared exclusively with a selected set of users as the users with the smallcase’s URL will be able to access the smallcase profile and subscribe & invest in it from there.

If you want to create a smallcase with a different pricing for your referrers, you can keep it in Hidden state so that the smallcase will not be visible on your microsite but will be visible on the referrer website for users to subscribe & invest.

Blocked : When you want to stop new subscriptions to a smallcase but want to continue sending rebalance updates to existing subscribers, you can keep the smallcase in Blocked state. Existing subscribers as well as already invested users will be able to invest more in the smallcase.

Played Out : When a smallcase has to be discontinued by you, you can move it to Played Out state. No new users can subscribe, existing users will stop receiving rebalance updates and will not be charged for subscription renewal.

Users who have invested in the smallcase will stay invested and can also invest more if they want.

  1. How much time does it take for state change to start reflecting?

  • smallcase State change can take upto 24 hours to start reflecting across the smallcase ecosystem.

  1. Why is it advised to block the smallcase before playing it out?

  • When a smallcase is blocked, new subscriptions to the smallcase are stopped. As after playing out, users will stop receiving rebalance updates and their subscription will not renew, it is advised to stop new subscriptions to a smallcase for some time before playing it out, and hence as a best practice the smallcase should be blocked before playing out.

The smallcases which are blocked before Playing Out have a ‘Blocked’ tag in the list of Played Out smallcases on the Platform.

  1. Who can update the state of a smallcase?

  • The state of a smallcase only be updated by the smallcase creator, i.e. yourself.

  1. Will subscribers be able to invest in the smallcase if it is blocked?

  • Yes, existing subscribers will be able to invest in the blocked smallcase.

  1. Will invested users be able to invest more in a blocked smallcase?

  • Yes, invested users irrespective of their subscription status will be able to invest more in the smallcase. However, users who are not subscribed will not receive any rebalance updates for the smallcase