You can add a Research report to a particular smallcase to explain the rationale behind their stock/ETF selection to your users.


How can Managers add the Research report to their smallcases?

1. You can add in the Research report while creating the smallcase. While saving the smallcase, you now will have an option to add a link in the Research Report input field (refer to the screenshot below). 

2. You can add the Research report while adding a rebalance to their smallcase. While saving the rebalance, you now have the option to add a link in the Research report input field (refer to the screenshot below). This flow is already LIVE on the platform.  

3. You will also be able to add the Research report by clicking on the Manage button in the ‘My smallcases’ tab. Navigate to the Rationale section in this window and add a link in the Research report input field (refer to the screenshot below).

How can users access the Research Report?

1. Subscribers can access the research report along with the constituents on the smallcase profile (refer to the screenshot below) of the smallcase app, or the brokers’ smallcases platform.

       Research report as seen in the constituents tab

Note: Only users who have access to the constituents of the smallcase, will be able to see the research report

2. Investors can also access the research report in the Rebalance report (refer to the screenshot below). The rebalance report is sent to the users as an attachment along with the rebalance email

Guidelines for the Research Report

  • Single report for all stocks/ETFs: All the information about stocks in the smallcase should be added in a single report. 

The report can include any relevant stock/ETF information that you feel comfortable sharing.

  • Non-downloadable links: You can upload the report on Google Drive, with only view and no-download access, ie, users will be able to view the report but not download it

Steps to create a view-only link on Google Drive :

  • Open the share pop-up


  • In the Get link section, click on Change to enable Anyone with the link      

  • In role, select Viewer and click on Done