What is a no-weight smallcase?

- In a no-weight smallcase, you can add a list of stocks/ETFs without prescribing any weights to  them. 

- It can be done both while creating new smallcases and the existing smallcases can also be migrated to a no-weights smallcase. 

- For generating orders and calculating all the financial ratios including returns, numbers, minimum investment amount, etc. the system will assume equal weights

Impact of no-weight smallcase on users

- Only stocks on the smallcase profile will be visible to the users in the constituents tab without any weights attached to them

- For existing investors, there will be an additional disclaimer that the Manager has stopped prescribing weights from the effective rebalance date when a smallcase gets converted into a no-weights smallcase.

- Orders will be generated assuming equal weights in the smallcase, users will continue to get an option to customize the smallcase including weights as they currently do.

Video Walkthrough

This video shows a step by step guide to convert an existing smallcase to no-weight smallcase.

Steps for migrating a weighted smallcase into a no-weight smallcase

  1. To get started with the same, navigate to the My smallcases tab in the Publisher platform.

  1. Go to the published section, search for your smallcase and click on the Manage button.

  1. Navigate to the Rebalance tab and click on the Add Rebalance button.

  1. Now you land on the rebalance screen. Just below the name of the smallcase, you will see an option to Change to `No weight smallcase`?

  1. Click on this option. Post this, a dialog box will explain about the No weight smallcase.

  1. Next, click on the "Disable weights" button. This will clear all the constituents of the smallcase.

  1. Now at this point you have to upload a fresh CSV to add the list of stocks or ETFs. You can click on the Download sample CSV button to get an idea of the required format.

  1. Go ahead and click on Import stocks.

  1. Now you should be able to see the stocks in your no weight smallcase.

  1. Go ahead and click on Add rebalance.

  1. A dialog box opens up which shows a summary of the rebalance which your users will see. You can edit the title and description provided.

  1. Here you can also add in a research report link, if you have one. This is optional.

  1. Next, all you have to do is click on the Add Rebalance button.

  1. Now, you will land on the Added tab in the rebalance section. Look for your smallcase again. 

  1. Just click on the Push rebalance button and your rebalance will be pushed and your smallcase will be converted to a no-weight smallcase when the rebalance gets applied at the end of the day. 

How changes are communicated to users 

  1. For users who are not logged in or have not subscribed, all mention of the term “weights” is dropped across all smallcase apps and websites. The “Stocks and Weights” tab is renamed to just “Stocks” and visitors are informed that the “Manager regularly monitors and updates the list of constituents but does not prescribe weights”

  1. For users that are already subscribed AND logged in, a disclaimer is shown to help them understand the new changes (refer to image below). The disclaimer goes away after the user has seen the changes.

  1. Even after users have seen the disclaimer and for users who only subscribed after the change was made, the subheading “Manager regularly monitors and updates the list of constituents but does not prescribe weights” remains for clarity, along with a prominent “Customize smallcase” button

  1. All weights and charts have been removed from the Rebalance Report for such smallcases to communicate that no weights have been prescribed in any form.

  1. While investing, subscribers will see that the weights have not been prescribed by the manager, and equal weights have been used to generate orders.

  1. While rebalancing, subscribers will see that the weights have not been prescribed by the manager, and equal weights have been used to generate orders. The same is done in the “Invest More” flow.


  1. While executing their SIP order, subscribers will see that the weights have not been prescribed by the manager, and equal weights have been used as prescribed weights to generate orders.