What is a no-weight smallcase?

In a no-weight smallcase, you can add a list of stocks/ETFs without prescribing any weights to them. It can be done both while creating new smallcases and the existing smallcases can also be migrated to a no-weights smallcase. 

For generating orders and calculating all the financial ratios including returns, numbers, minimum investment amount, etc. the system will assume equal weights.

Impact of no-weight smallcases on users

Only stocks on the smallcase profile will be visible to the users in the constituents tab without any weights attached to them.

For existing investors, there will be an additional disclaimer that the Manager has stopped prescribing weights from the effective rebalance date when a smallcase gets converted into a no-weight smallcase.

Orders will be generated assuming equal weights in the smallcase, users will continue to get an option to customize the smallcase including weights as they currently do.

For a detailed read on how to create no-weight smallcases and its related video walkthrough, kindly refer to this article